Linux server configuration contains all the core particulars for Linux configuration to run web server, mysql, telnet and ftp.

We are here to discuss the basic Linux server configuration details in order to help the user access ftp, web server and mysql, ftp from their respective system from home or their workplace. It means that the user will have to gain knowledge on configuring the processes which consist of mysql, httpd, xinetd by first and foremost concentrating on Red Hat Linux. It is also suggested to familiarize oneself with commands available for effortless administration of servers. Few of these commands are:

  • Arp – to check already existing Ethernet’s IP address and linkage.

  • Df – to display the information about file system.

  • Find – to hit upon files/directories locations promptly across the whole file system.

  • Netstat – it contains all the network connections and socket status summary.

  • Ping – to verify if the server is replying appropriately, test packets are flinged at the server.

  • Rm – to eliminate or cross out files and directories.

  • Traceroute – to map out an on hand routing network for remote/local server.

This guide for Linux server configuration will be of greatest use to a client whilst in front of Linux computer. Most of the commands appear from server related to Red Hat 7.1, though can be applied to a good number of the existing Linux servers with minute changes.

Steps for Linux server configuration:

  • Find the processes which are generally needed to run web server like httpd, telnet, wu-ftp, mysqld, all of which be by default “on”. These processes can be enlisted using the command /sbin/chkconfig –list. Any process which has an “off” next to it will be understood to be put out of action by default at startup.

  • Httpd is a part of initd process which is required for future startups so; Web server (httpd) can be enabled manually by force by simply using a command mv K15httpd S15httpd.

  • Telnet and ftp are part of xinetd process which controls set up of all network related protocols. Telnet file has to be edited by changing two lines: #default : on and disabled = no.

  • Mysql can be started in a similar technique of httpd startup only httpd in the command has to be replaced by mysql.



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